Categories: 2018

Armenian President urges international community to stop militarization of Karabakh conflict

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 1 2018
Armenian President urges international community to stop militarization of Karabakh conflict

Yerevan,November 01. ArmInfo. Marianna Mkrtchyan. Armenian President Armen Sarkisyan in Minsk participated in the discussions of the Core Group of the Munich Security Conference on arms control and confidence building, as well as regional conflicts.

As reported to ArmInfo in the press service of the RA President, Armen Sargsyan spoke at the discussions of regional conflicts, noting that he wants to share his remarks as a participant in the event and does not intend to make official statements on the situation in Armenia, relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan, exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group.

Touching upon voiced opinions, in particular, statements by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko regarding stability, the President of Armenia stated that if there is no stability, then it is impossible to predict what will happen tomorrow.

Speaking of a multipolar, bipolar, and unipolar world, the president said in particular: "This indicates that we are entering a period when not one or two votes are decisive, but many votes."

Referring to the role of small states in ensuring security, Sargsyan stated that the world is changing rapidly, and in this fleeting world technological changes are smoothly becoming one of the challenges, and it is necessary to understand what behavior will be manifested on our part in this area. In his opinion, the main thing in this issue will be predictability. Sargsyan expressed the conviction that in the new world, the voices of all should be heard, since even the smallest conflict can become a source of serious problems, develop into a regional one, and then go beyond the region. As an example, he cited the Donbass.

"We must be careful in dealing with small, frozen conflicts, as they can become dangerous, this also applies to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Unfortunately, what happens in the region can be described as a high level of tension. I think that 20 years ago, we could hope for more stability. I would like to urge all the participants, representatives of large states, to stop the militarization of small conflicts, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This is a small territory, but as a result of conflict, Armenia and Azerbaijan are increasing their weapons. Of course, these are not nuclear weapons, but they complicate the situation, because today technologies are developing day by day, and today weapons are becoming more and more dangerous, "the Armenian President said.

Touching on the time factor in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Sargsyan stated: "We are aware that time is a relative concept. If it works for peace, then we can wait, if it works for war, it is too short. I'm deeply concerned the militarization policy on the part of Azerbaijan and how much money is spent on it. All this indicates the accumulation of serious military potential. If you pay attention to this, you will see that time does not work for the world. th reaction? Yes! We must not only talk, but to act in the world. " He also stated that soon elections will be held in Armenia, as a result of which a legal government and parliament will be formed, there will be people who can sit at the negotiating table with Azerbaijan. Sarkisyan expressed the conviction that in reality everything depends on the will of the people. Appealing to the people of the Republic of Artsakh, the President of Armenia thanked once again the OSCE for the efforts that the organization makes to resolve the problem. "There is only one way to resolve the conflict – peaceful, there is no military way. If hostilities resume, then everyone will suffer, and the people living in Artsakh, Azerbaijan, Armenia and the whole world. In other words, there is only one way to a peaceful settlement through the OSCE Minsk Group, "Sarkisyan concluded.

Varazdat Torgomian: