Post-Soviet security bloc to discuss appointment of new secretary general at Astana summit

TASS, Russia
Nov 2 2018
Post-Soviet security bloc to discuss appointment of new secretary general at Astana summit

YEREVAN November 2

HIGHLIGHT: The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) will discuss the appointment of a new secretary general at the Astana summit scheduled to be held on November 8, the Armenian prime minister’s spokesman Arman Yegoyan told TASS.

YEREVAN, November 2. /TASS/. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) will discuss the appointment of a new secretary general at the Astana summit scheduled to be held on November 8, the Armenian prime minister’s spokesman Arman Yegoyan told TASS.

"I can only say that the appointment of a new CSTO secretary general will be discussed at the Astana summit," Yegoyan said when asked whether Armenia would nominate anyone to the position.

Earlier on Friday, the CSTO Collective Security Council relieved Armenia’s Yuri Khachaturov of his duties as the organization’s secretary general. The move had been initiated by Yerevan.

On July 26, Armenia’s Special Investigative Service accused Khachaturov of overthrowing the constitutional order in 2008 and requested his arrest. Khachaturov, who was the Commander of the Armenian Armed Forces’ Yerevan Garrison back in 2008, pleaded not guilty. On July 28, the Yerevan City Court of General Jurisdiction released him on his own recognizance and a bail of about $10,000.