Categories: 2018

Tonoyan visits Armenian peacekeepers in Kosovo

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 1 2018
Tonoyan visits Armenian peacekeepers in Kosovo

Yerevan November 1

Marianna Mkrtchyan. The delegation led by Defense Minister of Armenia David Tonoyan had a working visit on October 31 to Kosovo. The Defense Ministry's press service told ArmInfo that the delegation included the head of the RA mission to NATO Gagik Hovhannisyan, the head of the defense policy department of the Defense Ministry Levon Ayvazyan and others.

In Pristina, Tonoyan met with the commander of the forces in Kosovo (KFOR), General Salvatore CUOCI. The latter expressed gratitude to the RA Ministry of Defense for the conscientious service of the Armenian peacekeepers involved in the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. In turn, Tonoyan stressed the importance of assistance provided by the commander of KFOR to the Armenian peacekeeping mission.

On the same day, the Defense Minister met with the Armenian contingent carrying out the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. The contingent commander Karen Davtyan reported on the functions assigned to them, assigned tasks, and raised other issues related to the performance of service. Tonoyan examined the military base, familiarized himself with the conditions of service.

The Armenian delegation also visited the ''Slatina'' military airfield, where the Armenian contingent is serving, got acquainted with the conditions and gave the necessary instructions to the command.

Jirair Kafian: