Categories: 2018

Conditions for normalization of relations with Armenia were called in Ankara

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 2 2018
Conditions for normalization of relations with Armenia were called in Ankara

Yerevan November 2

Marianna Mkrtchyan. Turkey's position on Armenia is district and clear – there can be no talk about the normalization of relations without the liberation of the "occupied Azerbaijani territories".

Ankara also stressed that, as before, she will support Azerbaijan and keep the Karabakh issue on its foreign policy agenda, Trend reports with reference to the presidential administration of Turkey.

"If Armenia wants to normalize relations with Turkey, then it should immediately release the ''occupied Azerbaijani territories''", the Turkish Presidential Administration said, adding that Armenia should renounce claims about the events of 1915 against Turkey.

"Despite all appeals by Turkey to open the archives and create a joint commission to investigate of 1915, Armenia has not yet taken any steps in this direction. Armenia's refusal of Turkey's proposal to open the archives and the creation of a joint commission itself speaks about that there was no Armenian Genocide in the history of Turkey, "the Erdogan administration said.

Yerterday, from the rostrum of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that Armenia is ready to settle relations with Turkey without preconditions. According to him, this position should not be tied to the process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which for Yerevan is a matter of national and international security, since it is aimed at preventing new genocides. "From Armenia's side, the borders with Turkey are open, they are opened by Turkey itself, linking the unblocking of borders with the resolution of the Karabakh conflict in favor of Azerbaijan. This is an erroneous policy; the Prime Minister, adding that such a position leads to even greater cohesion of the Armenian and Artsakh societies.

Albert Nalbandian: