Categories: 2018

Zohrab Mnatsakanyan: Pashinyan’s statement on the possible closure of the Armenian-Iranian border should be considered in the context of the geopolitical situation

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 2 2018
Zohrab Mnatsakanyan: Pashinyan's statement on the possible closure of the Armenian-Iranian border should be considered in the context of the geopolitical situation

Yerevan November 02

Ani Mshetsyan. Pashinyan's statement on the possible closure of the Armenian-Iranian border should be viewed in the context of the geopolitical situation in the world. This was announced on November 2 in the parliament by the Acting Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan.

He noted that in any situation the interests of Armenia are of prime importance. "Armenia conducts its foreign policy on the basis of its interests, and international relations serve us to advance our interests. Sometimes we have to pursue foreign policy on the basis of the current situation when we need to make a serious choice. All issues related to foreign policy relations with Armenia's neighbors are included in the program government ", – stressed Mnatsakanyan.

He stressed that relations with both Iran and Georgia are very important for Armenia. "The manifestation of this policy takes place in a situation in which there are many challenges. How events will develop and how this will affect our relations with Iran is the most important issue for us. Our main task is to defend the interests of Armenia, cooperating with those partners who play the main role for her ", – stressed. Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Mnatsakanyan assured that in his statement Pashinyan appealed to the deep-seated challenges facing the republic about their possible negative consequences. "In our foreign policy, we work with all partners to solve problems through cooperation and dialogue in order to reduce risks," said Mnatsakanyan. He noted that Armenia has developed friendly relations with Iran.

Note that yesterday and. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, speaking of geopolitical risks, said that "the de facto Armenian-Iranian border can be closed at any moment due to relations between Iran and the United States."

Hambik Zargarian: