Categories: 2018

Zohrab Mnatsakanyan: The main aspects of Armenia’s foreign policy were presented during Bolton’s visit

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 2 2018
Zohrab Mnatsakanyan: The main aspects of Armenia's foreign policy were presented during Bolton's visit

Yerevan November 02

Ani Mshetsyan. The visit of such a high-ranking US official as John Bolton to Armenia is very important, especially considering the geopolitical situation in the world. This was announced on November 2 in the Armenian parliament by the acting president. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan.

"It is very important for us to discuss the geopolitical situation, to have support and understand each other on all the issues related to our national security. For us it was a very good reason to explain the logic of our actions with our partners from the United States," said Mnatsakanyan.

He also stated that this was neither the beginning nor the end of the Armenian-American cooperation. "It was a good opportunity to discuss and compare our approaches on a number of issues that are of primary importance for us. Our policy is pro-Armenian and formed within reasonable assessments, and one of the most important goals for us is to explain this policy to our foreign partners. Bolton's visit to Armenia is important. This is an opportunity to hear our colleagues, become a friend, become more understandable and continue our cooperation, "said Mnatsakanyan.

He noted that Armenia is a small country, and the issue of its security is a priority, since the republic faces various challenges. "We have a dialogue with Russia, with Iran. We have opportunities to develop our cooperation at all platforms where we can express our position. And when we talk about the importance of Bolton's visit, we should note that this importance lies in the fact that touched a very rich foreign policy agenda. Our main goal was to make our policy understandable. The dialogue was very successful, and the US understood our logic of relations with the Russian Federation, Iran, our position on the Nagorno- Karabakh issue, relations with Turkey, etc. Moreover, we noted h for we do not build our relations with this or that country, at the expense of relations with other partners ", – concluded Mnatsakanyan.

Anna Tamamian: