Categories: 2018

USA to continue pressures on Armenia to bring relations with Iran to minimum: ARF-D office head

Aysor, Armenia
Nov 7 2018

The U.S. pressures on Armenia will continue for bringing Armenia’s relations with Iran to minimum, Giro Manoyan, head of the ARF Dashnaktsutiun and its Armenian Cause Office, said at a news conference today.

“The pressures will continue as the USA has decided that way. As to how just is the decision, it is another matter, as the EU does not share U.S. approach which means that the USA has made the decision on its own,” Manoyan said.

He said one of the key goals of the visit of U.S. President’s adviser John Bolton to the region was to warn the regional countries.

“This is rather worrying issue for us. We cannot please the USA and continue relations with Iran at the same time. The U.S. Armenian community must explain their authorities that Armenia has no other alternatives,” Manoyan stressed.

He said Armenia must continue developing economic relations with Iran and at the same time carry out explanatory works with the USA and the EU.

Tambiyan Samvel: