RA Ministry of Healthnare: In Armenia system of compulsory medical insurance can be implemented within 3-4 years.

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 7 2018
RA Ministry of Healthnare: In Armenia system of compulsory medical insurance can be implemented within 3-4 years.

Yerevan November 7

Alexander Avanesov. The system of compulsory medical insurance in Armenia can be implemented within 3-4 years. This was announced on November 7 at the parliamentary hearings on the draft state budget of the country for 2019, Acting Healthcare Minister Arsen Torosyan said.

According to him, at present the Ministry of Healthcare of Armenia is preparing a legal framework for the introduction of the new system. The system will be regulated by the National Foundation, which will issue insurance policies. "The state is interested in ensuring that citizens are healthy and apply for medical assistance as little as possible. The state apparatus does not depend on insurance payments, while the revenue of private companies is directly related to insurance policies and the number of patients (the more, the better)" Arsen Torosyan noted.

He said that in this situation, insurance would become a link in the chain of public policy, aimed primarily at preventing diseases, and not treatment. To ensure the efficiently of the system, it is proposed to evaluate the work of family doctors by the health of their patients. "They will have to, for example, ensure that patients with cardiovascular diseases do not have exacerbations, and do not try to send them to the hospital for an operation", Torosyan said, adding that medical insurance would become a means for healthcare, not a means for earnings At the same time, if there is a single insurance agency, it will be possible to save on administrative expenses, which will not exceed 2% of their total budget. At the same time, the Acting Minister stressed that discussions are currently underway on whom will be the beneficiary of the future system, all workers or all citizens of the country, including children and pensioners.