Nikol Pashinyan meets Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II (photos)


Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan today visited the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to meet with His Holiness Garegin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

“We are happy to welcome you in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and bring our blessings and best wishes for the success of your patriotic works. Of course, we know that your agenda is too busy, but this meeting is also a necessity in order to discuss with you key issues concerning our church, national life and also to get solutions to the issues concerning our church. Of course, we know that the country faces many challenges, and the important events are ahead, the parliamentary elections. Our wish and desire are for these elections to be held peacefully, in an atmosphere of solidarity, without undesirable incidents, contribute to raising the kind reputation of our people and country, and for the election results to contribute to the country’s progress. Once again accept our best wishes to you and welcome to the Holy Etchmiadzin”, His Holiness Garegin II said at the meeting.

In his turn Nikol Pashinyan thanked His Holiness for the best wishes and stated that this is not the first meeting, numerous meetings and discussions were held with the Catholicos previously, including also during April-May of 2018. “These discussions and in general my contacts or the Armenian PM’s contact with Catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church are very important. Of course, the values of the Armenian Apostolic Church have a key significance for identity for us, our people and our country. This perception has always guided us and will continue doing so. You mentioned in your remarks the peaceful holding of the upcoming elections. It’s interesting that there is such a perception in Armenia: elections and peace terms have started to be perceived as antonyms for some reasons known to us, but I want to assure you that otherwise cannot happen, and the elections in Armenia will be definitely held peacefully. In general, it’s time for us not to notice contradictions in the elections and peace terms. This will be constant: our people will make a decision, and what decision they will make, it will become a political reality. This is one of the main meanings of the recent changes in Armenia”, Pashinyan said. “The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin has a special significance in the life of our people, each follower of the Armenian Apostolic Church, including in my life and that of my family. It’s also the most convenient place to think about the past and the future”.

His Holiness Garegin II, talking about the upcoming early parliamentary elections scheduled on December 9, said there is a certain trust and optimism that the elections will be held in a peaceful, calm atmosphere. “Our desire and prayer are directed towards the elections to be held with this pace and contribute to the strengthening of the national unity and the solution of problems, challenges facing our country by the joint efforts of our people”, Caholicos of All Armenians said.