Categories: 2018

Minsk responds to Armenia acting PM’s statement

News.am, Armenia
Nov 17 2018
Minsk responds to Armenia acting PM’s statement Minsk responds to Armenia acting PM’s statement
17:04, 17.11.2018

The spokesperson for Belarusian Foreign Ministry A. Glaz commented on the statement of the Armenian acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The corresponding comment was published on the website of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus.

“Apparently, the Acting Prime Minister of Armenia thinks he is  an international prosecutor authorized to punish or pardon.

Perhaps this was acceptable in the case of the former CSTO Secretary General, Armenian citizen Yuri Khachaturov. But in interstate relations there are quite clear rules of protocol and etiquette,” the statement said.

According to the statement, Pashinyan has not yet realized that the rules of the so-called “street democracy” are not acceptable in big politics.

Earlier, Pashinyan demand explanations from Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for discussing the present-day situation at the CSTO with the ambassador of Azerbaijan, a non-member country of this organization.

Armenia’s acting PM added that this matter was discussed also during his telephonic conversation on the same day with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and that Armenia continues the discourse with its CSTO partners so that they ultimately reach mutual understanding.


Vicken Chmshkian: