Azerbaijani Press: Russia is not going to fight against Azerbaijan for Armenia

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press:
November 16, 2018 Friday
Russia is not going to fight against Azerbaijan for Armenia
by Turan IA
Commenting on the statements of the Acting Defense Minister of Armenia David Tonoyan about the role of Russia in ensuring the security of Armenia, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security of the State Duma of Russia, Yury Shvytkin, said that Russia is ready to ensure the security of Armenia in the event of military aggression. A military columnist for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Viktor Baranets, said that Russia will protect Armenia from the attack of another country. He also named Azerbaijan among the possible attackers.
"As you know, no one is going to attack Armenia, the Azerbaijani public could not react to these statements," political scientist Ilgar Velizade believes. If desired, this provocative sensation could be inflated so that Russia is going to render Assistance to Armenia in the event of a resumption of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. However, this is not the case. In April 2016, Russia limited itself to calling on the parties to cease hostilities, Russia"s unilateral actions in support of Armenia did not Moscow made it clear that it was not going to intervene and in the event of an acute phase of the Karabakh conflict get up on one side or the other.
On the other hand, it is clear that if Armenia will provoke Azerbaijan into military actions on its territory, and such provocations are possible, then it is not excluded that the Armenian side will actively appeal for help from the allies. But we hope that the allies of Armenia, as it was more than once, will make it clear to them that they do not intend to spoil relations with Azerbaijan and risk long-term geopolitical interests in favor of the interests of one side, provoking them to conflict with Azerbaijan. To put it frankly, there are no fools today, and if some deputies and individual political figures express their thoughts, this does not mean that they should be implemented and unconditionally in the form they want in Yerevan," the political scientist believes.
The Azeri blogger of the Caucasian Knot portal (Russian Federation) recalls that Russia did not start a war against Turkey and Israel, whose armed forces shot down a Russian military aircraft and provoked its destruction by Syrian air defenses. Russia is silently observing how the air forces of the NATO coalition are bombing targets in Syria, which the Kremlin has repeatedly declared to be its defended ally. These facts cast doubt on the possibility of Russia's military participation on the side of Armenia in the war against Azerbaijan. Pro-Armenian statements in Russia are explained by the desire of the Russians to return Armenia, which the acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is leading to the West, to his geopolitical camp, the blogger wrote.
The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) will not provide military support to the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the event of an armed conflict involving this state, stated the head of the joint headquarters of the CSTO, Colonel-General Anatoly Sidorov, reports "Sputnik Armenia". Sidorov said that the organization has obligations to Armenia, therefore in case of aggression against Yerevan, other CSTO members will provide it with military support. These obligations are not applied to the Nagorno Karabakh, he said.