Categories: 2018

Philippines, Armenia initiate talks for labor deal

BusinessWorld Online
Nov 18 2018

THE Philippines and Armenia are discussing the possibility of a bilateral labor agreement, Moscow-based Philippine diplomats said.

In a statement last week by the Philippine Embassy in Moscow, the Embassy’s Second Secretary and Vice Consul Jeffrey A. Valdez met with officials of the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the labor deal on Oct. 30 in the Armenian capital Yerevan.

“The Embassy wants to be proactive in extending assistance to Filipinos under its jurisdiction,” said Ambassador to Russia Carlos D. Sorreta, noting that “a bilateral labor agreement is an important step in that direction.”

Mr. Valdez was accompanied by Third Secretary and Vice Consul Catherine F. Alpay and Attaché Vida Cara.

The initiative was proposed by the Philippine side in the hopes of increasing the number of Filipinos living and working in Armenia.

The Embassy noted that the increasing popularity of Armenia as a tourist destination, especially among Filipinos based in the Middle East, contributed to the growing number of Filipinos settling in Armenia.

Armenia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs East Asia and Pacific Division head Mnatsakan Safaryan committed to cooperate on the possible agreement. He said Filipinos were viewed as law-abiding and productive contributors to Armenian society.

He added that the Armenian government is also exploring best practices in protecting its nationals abroad, given the “significant diaspora” of ethnic Armenians. Armenia has a population of about three million, but as many as seven million live overseas.

According to the Philippine Embassy, an estimated 300 Filipinos currently reside in Armenia. — Camille A. Aguinaldo

Garnik Zakarian: