Categories: 2018

Andrei Belyaninov: Armenian economy is not so big that key companies are turned off from national economic circulation

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 22 2018
Andrei Belyaninov: Armenian economy is not so big that key companies are turned off from national economic circulation

Yerevan November 22

Alexander Avanesov. The economy of Armenia is not so large that the key companies are turned off from the national economic circulation. This was stated by the head of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) Andrei Belyaninov at a briefing in Moscow on November 22 on the occasion of the completion of the annual meeting of the bank.

According to him, the political situation in Armenia is not critical, the republic is a full member of the EDB. The projects that the bank is implementing in Armenia are being specified and many programs are in working condition, under study. "I would not want to link everything with the political situation in the country, time will tell. We have no intention to offend our shareholder, since all shareholders are equal regardless of the size of contributions. The internal political situation in Armenia is an internal affair of Armenia. I had the opportunity to meet with Nikol Pashinyan, who pointed out the importance of paying taxes in the country: "Pay taxes – sleep well".

"Companies that behave in good order and for which there are no complaints are full-fledged participants in the business, especially since we are talking about leading companies in the country, such as Spike, YUKOM and the Electric Network of Armenia. We have been working with these projects for almost a year, and they are good, "said Belyaninov. According to him, when the bank assessed projects, it also assessed the risks. "The risks are certainly scary, but we are working to close these risks, therefore, the EDB is not afraid of the situation in Armenia," the head of the EDB said.

Jirair Kafian: