Categories: 2018

Ara Papian: Transitional parliament should be formed

“I supported and support the revolution. Moreover, I was one of the revolutionaries. After all, the revolution did not ‘fall from the air.’ Thousands of people have been working in that direction for decades. That’s how we were all happy. But when the revolution or the change of power took place, unfortunately, that all began to move,” says political analyst Ara Papian, referring to the accusations that in recent opinions and online records often make critical remarks to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

According to Ara Papian, no one expected the economic miracle to take place within 7 months, but they were expecting a number of legislative changes to be made. The latter underlines that especially if there is a rating system, we will have a parliament which will be less political, as the large number of apolitical persons in this election is more likely in the parliament.

Emma Jilavian: