Mher Mkrtchyan. Sad to see that claps and hu-s are more valuable than our deceased heroes

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 26 2018

Armenian director, screenwriter, actor Mher Mkrtchyan responded to the statement made by MP Sasun Mikayelyan during the campaign and expressed his sorrow over it.

"It turns out I have worked on "Life and Fight " totally in vain. Apparently, today's "claps and hu-s" are more valuable than the work of our deceased heroes. Good luck with your campaign … "

Let's remind that during the meeting with residents of Talin Sasun Mikayelyan stated: "We have won in the Artsakh war, I do not hesitate, I am not afraid to say that this victory gained by you, the Armenian people, was more important than the war of Artsakh".

Mikaelyan's statement was followed by criticisms on social media.