Categories: 2018

Prosperous Armenia Party: Our people have long resolved Karabakh conflict

News.am, Armenia
Nov 30 2018
Prosperous Armenia Party: Our people have long resolved Karabakh conflict Prosperous Armenia Party: Our people have long resolved Karabakh conflict
17:34, 30.11.2018

The interest rates on agricultural loans should be reduced to 1 to 2 percent.

Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Chairman—and tycoon MP—Gagik Tsarukyan, who heads the PAP electoral list in the forthcoming snap parliamentary election, on Friday stated the aforesaid in Yeghegnadzor town, and within the framework of their campaign rallies for this vote.

In his words, considering the socioeconomic situation in the country, it is very insufficient that bank loan interest rates have now been reduced to between 8 and 12 percent.

Tsarukyan stressed that one should not close down workplaces during economic crises, but rather should assist small and medium-sized businesses so that people will not have to emigrate.

And reflecting on health care in Armenia, the PAP leader highlighted that free-of-charge hospitals should operate in the country, and the portion of state-funded medical treatment should be increased, or a respective voucher system should be introduced in the country.

Also, Gagik Tsarukyan is convinced that the Armenian people have long resolved the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) conflict.

“It remains only [for the Republic of Artsakh] to have international recognition,” he added, in particular. “And for that, we need to have a strong state.”

Alex Jidarian: