Azerbaijani press: Analyst: Armenians often stand at head of many criminal cash withdrawal groups in Russia

29 November 2018 20:51 (UTC+04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 29

By Matanat Nasibova – Trend:

The investigation of German journalists about the links of the Armenian mafia in Europe with the Armenian Foreign Ministry shouldn’t be surprising, because this is true, Yevgeny Mikhailov, a famous Russian TV anchor and political analyst, told Trend.

He was commenting on the information published Nov. 28 on the website “Crime Russia”, based on the investigation carried out by Der Spiegel and MDR TV Channel in this regard.

Results of a journalistic investigation carried out by Der Spiegel and MDR TV Channel implying that high-ranked Armenian diplomats ‘patronize’ ‘Armenian mafia’ operating in Germany under the leadership of thieves-in-law compromised the reputation of the local Armenian diaspora, sparked lawsuits, and caused diplomatic tensions between the two countries, according to the website.

“In early November, Der Spiegel weekly newspaper and the Thuringian branch of Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk TV Company have partially published results of their joint journalistic investigation based on the 19-page report produced by the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA), thus, announcing the forthcoming premiere of a documentary entitled “Godfathers in Germany — Armenian Mafia and thieves-in-law” (Paten in Deutschland — die armenische Mafia und die Diebe im Gesetz),” the website reported.

“According to the journalists, a well-conspired and sophisticated ‘Armenian mafia’ network infiltrates a number of big German cities running various illegal businesses, including credit frauds, counterfeiting of money, laundering of criminal proceeds, racketeering, drug trafficking, and prostitution,” the report said.

The publication drew attention to the fact that the Armenian Foreign Ministry often fell into extremely ambiguous situations from the time of Serzh Sargsyan’s rule, Mikhailov said.

He noted that cases of interaction between Serzh Sargsyan and thieves in law have long been known, and it is no secret that many of the authorities were hiding in Armenia after the persecution began in Russia.

“Money laundering, drugs, smuggling, prostitution are only a small part of the Armenian mafia’s activities around the world,” Mikhailov said. “The fact that the German special services started the investigation shows that they are interacting with Russian colleagues who have already gained successful experience in combating criminal ethnic groups. In Russia, Armenians also often stand at the head of many criminal groups that withdraw cash money and are engaged in other criminal activities.”

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