Belarus, Armenia to implement four joint projects as part of EU’s Horizon 2020 program

Belarus News (BelTA)
Nov 28 2018

Society 28.11.2018 | 19:56

MINSK, 28 November (BelTA) – Belarusian and Armenian scientists will carry out four joint projects in the sphere of economy, science and education, and information and communication technologies within the framework of the European Union's research and innovation program Horizon 2020. The statement was made by Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee of Belarus Alexander Shumilin at a session of the Belarusian-Armenian R&D cooperation commission, BelTA has learned.

Belarus-Armenia R&D cooperation advances vigorously via the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research and the Belarusian-Armenian contest of R&D projects. As a result of the contest four projects in the area of nanotechnology, biophysics, cell engineering, and ecology have been added to the Belarusian-Armenian science, technology, and innovation cooperation program for 2019-2020. “Those are global, serious projects at the forefront of scientific and technological advance. Plans have been made to develop supercapacitors, functional nanostructured sol-gel films for making solar cells,” said Alexander Shumilin.

At present over 100 R&D projects are being implemented in Armenia in association with Belarus, USA, Italy, China, and other countries. “Belarus is our main partner, with which we fruitfully work in the R&D sphere. We will continue developing and enhancing these contacts,” said Samvel Harutyunyan, Chairman of the Science Committee of the Armenian Education and Science Ministry.

Representatives of Belarus and Armenia also discussed the invigoration of R&D and innovation cooperation, prospects of implementing joint high-tech projects in areas of mutual interest such as information and communication technologies, new materials, industrial and laser technologies, healthcare, and pharmaceutics.

The Armenian delegation will stay in Minsk till 1 December. While in the country the delegation is expected to visit the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and technology parks and participate in the 23rd session of the interstate council for cooperation in R&D and innovation.