Categories: 2018

Edmond Marukyan: “Bright Armenia” party does not intend to fight for the first place

News.am, Armenia
Nov 26 2018
Edmond Marukyan: “Bright Armenia” party does not intend to fight for the first place Edmond Marukyan: “Bright Armenia” party does not intend to fight for the first place
19:26, 26.11.2018

It is necessary to do everything possible so that new forces, the political forces of the new generation, which have already demonstrated that they are not indifferent to the fate of their people, are in the parliament, Edmond Marukyan, head of the Bright Armenia party, stated on Monday during a meeting with voters in Kapan, as part of his campaign in the Syunik region of Armenia.

According to him, citizens should choose those political forces that have never engaged in business and have not entangled their business interests in politics.

"It is necessary to choose those who protected the interests of Armenia in Brussels, Strasbourg, Paris, Washington and Moscow. There were no such places where I and members of our party would not represent the interests of Armenia and would not speak on issues acute for the country, ”said Marukyan.

Marukyan also said that, their party does not plan to fight for first placein the upcoming parliamentary elections, but at least for the second.

Hambik Zargarian: