Categories: 2018

Nikol Pashinyan called on the Armenian people to make an economic revolution

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 24 2018
Nikol Pashinyan called on the Armenian people to make an economic revolution

November 24


Marianna Mkrtchyan. In the spring, the Armenian people made a political revolution, now it's time to make an economic one. This was announced during the march in Yerevan by the Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.

According to him, the goal of the march is to once again fix the victory of the people during the May revolution. "We made a political revolution in April-May, the time has come for economic. Today we are starting an economic revolution. We believe in the creative power of our people, we believe that we can make an economic revolution that raises the economic development of our country to a new level of our people. Long live the industrious Armenian people! ", said Pashinyan.

The march of Pashinyan's supporters led by the Acting the premiere goes to the Kanaker-Zeytun administrative district. The culmination of the procession will be in the administrative district of Malacia- Sebastia. Participate in processions with the flags of Armenia and the block "My step", under the drumbeat, chanting "Armenia" are moving through the streets of the capital.

Garo Vardanian: