Categories: 2018

President of UMBA: Our most important task today is to increase external and internal investments into Armenian economy

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 23 2018
President of UMBA: Our most important task today is to increase external and internal investments into Armenian economy

Yerevan November 23

Marianna Mkrtchyan. The purpose of the forum "Actual Problems of Economic Development and Strategic Directions of Armenia", at the present stage of economic changes, is to demonstrate the state of our economy and the promising sectors, President of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs of Armenia (UMBA) Arsen Ghazaryan told reporters on November 23.

At the same time, he added that by this first experience an attempt is being made to provide a science- economy-government connection in order to be able to offer the government scientifically justified approaches and methodology on basic economic issues.

In this context, Ghazaryan informed that they intend to conduct 2-3 sectoral studies during the year, because after 28 years of independence, the country faces the question: what should be done to ensure the take-off of economic development, how to really ensure the well-being of ordinary citizens, how to increase the country's competitiveness in the region. "Especially, today, when we are going for radical changes, with revolutionary approaches, including in the field of economic management, scientific substantiation is a priority. Very soon, after the elections, the new government will have to develop a program, on which scientists, business representatives, specialists are already working on today, "said the President of the UMBA.

Speaking about the state of the Armenian economy today, Ghazaryan expressed conviction that the first serious achievement that was recorded is that usually after a real revolution, there is an economic recession, collapse, there are serious upheavals of the financial and credit system and such are the trends around the world – the price of the revolution, however, in Armenia, on the contrary, after the changes, financial and credit stability was fixed, as emphasized by international economic organizations, and in the Armenian economy, with the exception of two areas, industry and agriculture, stability was registered. "Today, our most important task is to increase foreign and domestic investments in the Armenian economy, in the second half of the year we will have real indicators, which will inspire hope that economic growth will finally affect the well-being of ordinary citizens," Ghazaryan said. Clarifying how Armenia should attract investors, Ghazaryan said that first of all, it is necessary to activate domestic investors, and there are prerequisites for that. "In the end, the stability that is fixed in our economy today is provided by domestic investors, since external investments have decreased sufficiently. But, after ensuring economic stability, I am sure that large investors from Russia, the West and the East will come to Armenia, since equal competition is provided to the Armenian market. The start has been given, if the market is healthy, it regulates the processes itself, "he said, adding that at a certain stage there will be a decrease in investments in a spiral, then an active increase will be recorded. To the question whether the elimination of monopolies is observed in the new political situation, he gave a positive answer. "It is definitely observed, and any representative of a medium or large business notices, this has been happening for 7-8 months already. This is the greatest achievement of the revolution that we can enjoy," Ghazaryan concluded.

Alex Jidarian: