Categories: 2018

Shirinyan: An attempt to tax private persons in Armenia will not bring the desired results

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 23 2018
Shirinyan: An attempt to tax private persons in Armenia will not bring the desired results

Yerevan November 23

Marianna Mkrtchyan. The attempt to tax private persons will not bring the desired results it is a fiction. Levon Shirinyan, the head of the "Christian-National Revival" party, said this in an interview with ArmInfo correspondent, referring to the initiative of the State Revenue Committee on the full taxation of citizens.

"In fact, the question arises, the department, which comes up with a detailed initiative, owns the situation and is able to clarify and adequately assess all the consequences of this initiative. The question is that for 30 years no one asked on the basis of which economic doctrine our country develops Liberalism is a general concept that manifests itself differently in different countries.

Can we, as a poor, developing state and people constantly living under the threat of resumption of hostilities, live in a free liberal economy, like the British? ", Shirinyan asked. According to him, with such a level of shadow in the country, even with a strong desire, it is impossible to ensure the desired result. At the same time, the politician reminded that there is a world experience in taxing those who work abroad, but in Armenia this problem has a completely different character. "All this testifies to the fact that the economic reforms of the government do not produce results, because during the revolution it was not taxing those who go to work in other states, but about returning money from the pockets of oligarchs and real liberalization of the economy. There is no success, so the goods moved to another area, "- he said, adding that in this way the authorities are trying to identify new financial resources. However, Shirinyan believes that citizens will not pay these taxes and will try to circumvent this new law in every possible way if it is enacted.

Shirinyan proposed to continue the reforms, loosen the foundations of the criminal-oligarchic system and thus fix economic growth. He is convinced that the Armenian government has retreated from the course taken, since it faced more serious obstacles, it lacks strength and on some issues it made compromises with the criminal-oligarchic families of the country. He suggested that the Prime Minister of Armenia is not able to carry out institutional changes and solves some issues thanks only to his charisma. The expert also believes that Armenia should turn to other states, such as Austria, in order to exchange experience in building an efficient state and move in this direction. Shirinyan is also convinced that the culprit for the crisis in Armenia is not Robert Kocharian, but Serzh Sargsyan. At the same time, he advocated the application of the theory of the socio-economic market. At the same time, Shirinyan believes that the theory of the rise of constitutionalism in economic policy brings us closer to the German institutional model, where the market is liberalized. The expert also stated that there is no assessment of the human and professional resource, the potential areas that the country has.

According to him, these kind of global issues are not solved, and the rest are solved by the "spear" method, it will turn out well, we will not succeed in trying again. Touching upon the intention of the authorities to take a new loan, Shirinyan stressed that he opposes such initiatives. "We do not need loans or investments, clean up the economic field of Armenia, and our country will live through its own resources," he said, stating that Armenia needs to create favorable conditions for domestic investors.

Lilit Nahapetian: