Categories: 2018

Armenia Prosecutor General Office to Look Into 32 Alleged Violations at Parliamentary Vote

Sputnik News Service
December 9, 2018 Sunday 4:54 PM UTC

Armenia Prosecutor General Office to Look Into 32 Alleged Violations
at Parliamentary Vote

YEREVAN, December 9 (Sputnik) - The Armenian Prosecutor General's
Office will investigate 32 cases of possible violations reported
during the country's snap parliamentary elections, a spokesman for the
office said Sunday.

Snap parliamentary elections are being held in Armenia on Sunday for
the first time in the country's history. Two blocks and nine parties
are taking part. There is no turnout threshold, however, to enter the
parliament, a party must secure more than 5 percent of the vote and
alliances must get over 7 percent. At the same time, according to the
law, at least three political forces must be represented in

"The Prosecutor General's Office selected 65 notifications [of
violations] out of the multiple appeals. Of them, 32 contained real
incidents of an offense," Sevak Ovannisyan said at a briefing, adding
that the office would be looking into the alleged violations.

The majority of reported violations were related to people voting more
than once, the official said.

Ovannisyan noted that the current elections were held peacefully and orderly.

A political crisis in Armenia broke out earlier in April after
ex-President Serzh Sargsyan was nominated as prime minister. The move,
regarded as a way for Sargsyan, who had served as president for two
terms, to stay in power, led to large-scale anti-government protests
and dissolution of the sitting parliament.

Maral Chavushian: