Categories: 2018

CEC:Electoral spending of ruling "My Step" bloc were the highest 268.590.708 drams

Arminfo, Armenia
Dec 9 2018

ArmInfo.According to the CEC, the ''My Step'' bloc, led by Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, spent the most money on election campaigning for the early  elections.. This amount was 268.590.708 drams. Meanwhile, in the  elections of 2017, the ''Yelk'' bloc, represented by Pashinyan, spent  only 42,652,739 drams.

Next come the Republican Party of Armenia, which spent 127.342.492  drams. "Prosperous Armenia" and "Enlightened Armenia" spent an equal  amount of funds for 102 671 425 drams. ARF "Dashnaktsutyun" spent 47  086 922 drams, "We" bloc – 31 459 837 drams, "Orinats Yerkir" party -  18 246 932 drams, "Sasna tsrer" – 18 246 932 drams, " Citizen's  decision  " – 6 115 480 drams, the "Christian Revival"  party -  3984700 drams and the party "National Progress" spent the least  amount – 489 400 drams.

In general, 671,518,545 drams were spent on the pre-election  campaign, instead of 865,405,948 drams from last year, although 9  forces took part in the 2017 elections. The lion's share of these  costs fell to the share of the Republican Party – 386,822,249  million.

Ara Felekian: