Categories: 2018

Competent authorities summed up alarms of violations during voting

Arminfo, Armenia
Dec 9 2018

ArmInfo.Armenian police received 144 alarms of possible violations during the elections.

Three of them concerned attempts to distribute a pre-election bribe,  18 – obstruction of voting, 2 – obstruction of the activities of  observers or members of election commissions, 34 – attempts of  multiple voting and one case of violation of the secrecy of the vote.

The investigation committee received 38 alarms – 8 from Yerevan, 4  from Syunik, 3 – from Aragatsotn, five from Ararat and Gegharkunik, 2  from Armavir, and 1 from Vayots Dzor and Lori. Two alarmls of  multiple voting were received at the Military Investigation  Department.

The Ombudsman's Office, in turn, received 89 alarmls.

Anna Tamamian: