Categories: 2018

Political will of current authorities enabled to hold democratic elections in Armenia – PACE observer group

Political will of current authorities enabled to hold democratic elections in Armenia – PACE observer group




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS. Aleksander Pociej, Head of the delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), says the 2018 peaceful, “velvet” revolution, in conjunction with the political will of the current authorities, enabled the holding of democratic elections in Armenia, reports Armenpress.

At a meeting with reporters, Aleksander Pociej said PACE has observed every election in Armenia since 1995. “Despite the complex electoral system and reported instances of intimidation via social media, the recurring electoral irregularities which tainted many elections in the past were absent. It is up to Armenia’s elected representatives to launch legal reforms to consolidate the democratic process in the country”, he said.

He said the PACE and the Venice Commission hope to continue the close cooperation with Armenia, and the final report on elections will be presented at a session in Strasbourg in January.

Early parliamentary elections were held in Armenia on December 9.

The Central Electoral Commission released the preliminary results:

-The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) received 4.7% or 59068 votes

-Citizen’s Decision Social-Democratic party received 0.68% or 8533 votes

-The ARF received 3.89% or 48822 votes

-My Step Alliance received 70.44% or 884849 votes

-Bright Armenia party got 6.37% or 80049 votes

-Christian-Democratic Rebirth party received 0.51% or 6460 votes

-National Progress party received 0.33% or 4122 votes

-We alliance – 2% or 25174 votes

-Rule of Law party – 0.99% or 12390 votes

-Sasna Tsrer Pan-Armenian party – 1.82% or 22868 votes

-Prosperous Armenia party – 8.27% or 103837 votes

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Markos Nalchajian: