Categories: 2018

Analyst explains CIS leaders’ non-reaction to Pashinyan’s victory by Kocharyan’s arrest

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 13 2018

Analyst Stephan Danielyan suggests the absence of congratulations from CIS and CSTO leaders to Nikol Pashinyan on the victory in early parliamentary elections in Armenia is explained by the arrest of the country’s former president Robert Kocharyan.

Danielyan justified his opinion pointing to the fact that no president among former Soviet republics has ever been arrested thus far. “Former president of Kirgizstan Bakiyev found a shelter in Belarus, Ukraine’s Yanukovych – in Russia. Ex-President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili resides in Europe despite the ongoing criminal investigation in the homeland. All these come to conclude there is an unwritten principle among leaders to never arrest former presidents, like the one the Europe had: kings were never killed,” the analyst wrote on his Facebook page.

“No leader of the CIS, EAEU and CSTO has congratulated Pashinyan on the victory. Most probably, this is explained by the arrest of Robert Kocharyan. The matter seems not of political relevance for those leaders but of strictly personal,” Danielyan wrote.

To remind, on December 7, Armenia’s Court of Appeals upheld the first instance court’s ruling to arrest Robert Kocharyan who is accused of overturning the constitutional system during the March 1-2, 2008 post-election events. 

Sonya Jalatian: