Categories: 2018

Pashinyan declassified some information on the April war

Arminfo, Armenia
Dec 19 2018
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo. In the classified  materials about the April war there is not a word about the lack of  intelligence materials. This was in an interview with journalists,  said the.

 Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in response to the  question of why he appointed Arshak Karapetyan as his adviser, who  during the April war was the head of the intelligence department of  the RA Armed Forces General Staff.Answering the question that the  same Karapetyan, in accordance with secret order 0038, was also  involved in the events of March 1, 2008, Pashinyan noted that, in  accordance with this order, a very large part of the SC was involved  in these events: "Now we don't can separate this part from the sun? "  However, he stressed that all those whom the investigation deems  guilty will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.Touching  upon the accusations of his comrades-in-arms, now ministers made  before the revolution to the past authorities that Karapetyan after  the April war could not be appointed military attache at the Armenian  diplomatic department in Russia, Pashinyan stressed that all  statements made by his colleagues and himself were before the  revolution, are not a sentence.At the same time, Pashinyan questioned  the justice of Karapetyan's dismissal after the April events.

 "I read hundreds of pages of secret materials about the April war,  and, in fact, I can say that we didn't have a shortage of  intelligence materials. We have a lot of questions about the April  war, which should be answered and, to the extent possible , should be  presented to the society ", – Pashinyan assured, stressing that many  knew about the accumulation of Azerbaijani troops around the  perimeter of the front line until the April war:" But I will refrain  from assessing. "Answering the question of journalists that after the  April war, various versions began to be exaggerated that "the war was  planned by the parties and third forces in advance," that "according  to a pre-planned scenario, the Armenian leadership agreed to leave  800 hectares to the Azerbaijani side," Pashinyan said that he himself  was informed about these versions: "Moreover, after I came to power,  I began to receive certain verbal and even written information, but  now I cannot say anything definite, we must all chit "- summed up  acting premiere.

Edgar Tavakalian: