Categories: 2018

Arayik Harutyunyan on new appointment of former head of General Staff Intelligence Directorate: I presented this as interesting information

Arminfo, Armenia
Dec 20 2018

ArmInfo. On December 20, in an  interview with journalists, Acting Minister of Education and Science  Arayik Harutyunyan addressed to the statements he had made in the  past about the new adviser to the Acting Prime Minister Nikol  Pashinyan Arshak Karapetyan after his appointment as a military  attache at the Armenian Embassy in Russia.

"If you watched the video  in full, then I thought it was not strange (appointment ed.), I found  it strange that someone was not punished because of the April events.  I presented it as interesting information, "said Harutyunyan. To note  that he doesn't see any contradictions between the statements he made  in the past about Arshak Karapetyan and his current appointment,  Harutyunyan stressed that the Acting Prime Minister addressed this  issue yesterday.  According to him, Arayik Harutyunyan is satisfied  with these clarifications.

According to the Acting head of the Ministry of Education and  Science, in fact, in the video, he literally said: "There is  interesting information, the head of the intelligence department, who  was sent to the island during the April war, was again appointed  military attache at the Armenian Embassy in Russia, the information  is very interesting. It is very strange that after the April events,  someone was not punished and was not brought to justice.  Earlier it  was reported that appeared in social networks video, in which the  current acting. Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan and Acting  Education and Science Minister Arayik Harutyunyan is talking about  Arshak Karapetyan, believing that he was a fiasco during the April  war.

To recall, by the decree of former President Serzh Sargsyan of April  26, 2016, immediately after the four- day war in Nagorno-Karabakh,  Deputy Minister of Defense – Head of the Logistics Department Alik  Mirzabekyan, Head of the General Staff Arshak Karapetyan's  Intelligence Department and Head of Troops Communications – Head of  Communications and Automated Control Systems Department Komitas  Muradyan were dismissed from their posts. There were no official  comments on the reasons for the reshuffle. But Armenian experts  explained the resignation by the authorities' desire to mitigate the  discontent that followed the four-day war. So, after the hostilities  in early April 2016, much was said that the material and technical  support of the Armenian army was extremely unsatisfactory: according  to some information, sometimes even there was not enough ammunition.  It was also said that the offensive, which was prepared by the Armed  Forces of Azerbaijan, was not identified on time. However, already in  February 2018 he was appointed military attache at the Armenian  Embassy in Russia

Yesterday appeal to the appointment of Arshak Karapetyan as advisor  to the head of government; the Acting Prime Minister said that the  secret material about the April war is not a word about the lack of  intelligence materials. Answering the question that the same  Karapetyan, in accordance with secret order 0038, was also involved  in the events of March 1, 2008, Pashinyan noted that, in accordance  with this order, a very large part of the SC was involved in these  events: "Now we don't can separate this part from the sun? " However,  he stressed that all those whom the investigation finds guilty will  be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Touching upon the  accusations of his comrades-in-arms, now ministers made before the  revolution to the past authorities that Karapetyan after the April  war could not be appointed military attache in the Armenian  diplomatic department in Russia, Pashinyan stressed that all  statements made by his colleagues and himself were before the  revolution, are not a sentence. At the same time, Pashinyan  questioned the justice of Karapetyan's dismissal after the April  events. "I read hundreds of pages of secret materials about the April  war, and, in fact, I can say that we didn't have a shortage of  intelligence materials. We have a lot of questions about the April  war that should be answered and, as far as possible, should be  presented to the society ", – Pashinyan assured, stressing that many  knew about the accumulation of Azerbaijani troops around the  perimeter of the front line until the April war:" But I will refrain  from assessing. "

Karlen Baghdasarian: