168: Number one daily task is to discuss issues on increasing people’s life quality, says Pashinyan


Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan has set a task before the government to discuss every day decisions relating to increasing the citizens’ life quality.

“The discussion of issues during today’s Cabinet session was distinguished with the fact that we have made concrete decisions as a result of which we can state that there will be a concrete change in the life of thousands of citizens of Armenia based on the results of these decisions and they will feel the change in their life quality. I want to note that this should be one of the key guidelines of our activity. Today during a discussion with the chief of staff I have given such task and also tasked to transfer it to the Cabinet members to every day discuss issues the first point of which must be the following: we must present draft decisions in our systems based on which we can state that a concrete change is taking place in people’s life”, Pashinyan said during the Cabinet meeting.

According to him, the government’s main goal and guideline should be to make such decisions that will result in small, major and medium change in the life of people and major qualitative change in their daily life. “This must be the number one daily task of the activity of our
