Categories: 2018

Armenian education ministry attaches great importance to improvement of foreign languages teaching in schools

ARKA, Armenia
Dec 24 2018

YEREVAN, December 24. /ARKA/. Armenian Acting Education and Science Minister Arayik Harutyunyan finds it necessary to improve teaching of foreign languages in regular schools. 

According to the press office of the ministry, Harutyunyan said at his meeting with Head of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Alexey Lubkov.

Stressed the importance of training specialists for teaching foreign languages, especially Russian, 
Harutyunyan said that two pedagogical universities can contribute a great deal to that. 

He also said that the education of the 21st century is impossible without information technologies and therefore it is necessary to form a modern electronic content.  

Lubkov, on his side, rated highly cooperation of the two pedagogical universities saying that there is room for expanding it. -0—-

Zhanna Nahapetian: