Five ministries to be cut in Armenia

Aysor, Armenia
Dec 24 2018

According to the official draft decision of the Armenian government, 5 ministries will be cut in Armenia – Diaspora, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Agriculture and Energy ministries, vice speaker of the parliament, Republican party member Arpine Hovhannisyan says.

“As it was expected the new government has not made us wait long. Only a week after publication of voting results the government puts into circulation bill on making changes and amendments in the law on Government’s structure and activity,” Hovhannisyan said.

According to the bill five ministries will be united with others.

Hovhannisyan said the bill will create two direct impacts with the first and most painful one the unavoidable staff cuts.

“Leaving the people without jobs in the New Year the “person-oriented” government once again reiterated that it acts with the principle of finding not right but easy solutions,” she said, adding that their party has voiced about it throughout the campaign but people believed Pashinyan.

She said she will refer to the other surprise prepared by the government for state employees after New Year holidays.