Garegin Chugaszyan: In 2018, the authoritarian system collapsed, but did not disappear

Arminfo, Armeni
Dec 25 2018
Ani Mshetsyan

ArmInfo. In 2018, the authoritarian system collapsed, but did not disappear, on December 25 at a press conference,  member of the "Sasna Tsrer" party Garegin Chugaszyan said.

He noted that the transition from authoritarianism to democracy cannot take place in one day; this is a very complicated process. "In order to eradicate this phenomenon in Armenia, it is necessary to destroy political and economic monopolies," Chugaszyan said. A member of the Sasna Tsrer party also noted that as a result of the early parliamentary elections, a multi-polar National Assembly was not formed, however, he found it positive that the RPA had lost its levers of government.

Chugaszyan also stated that in 2018 there were omissions, among which he pointed to the holding of elections under the unreformed Electoral Code, which caused difficulties for a number of parties to participate in electoral processes. Another omission, he considered that the authorities did not initiate constitutional reforms.

Referring to the appointment of the former head of the intelligence department of the Armenian General Staff Arshak Karapetyan to the position of advisor to the prime minister, Chugaszyan called this a state agency. He disagreed with the opinion of the. Prime Minister Pashinyan and Acting Defense Minister Tonoyan that in the days of the April war the Armenian side had intelligence. "In fact, during the April war, intelligence did not provide enough information, and the country's high command did not take the necessary steps to prevent an enemy attack. We expect the current authorities to assess all this, and it will become obvious that the events that followed the April war will have arrested Zhirayr Sefilyana and insurgency "Sasna Tsrer" were interrelated, "he concluded.