Local Authorities Banned Metal Mining in Jermuk Community

Lragir, Armenia
Dec 26 2018

Jermuk community council adopted a decision on 18 December 2018 approving the petition of the community proposing ban on metal mining in Jermuk and declaring the community an eco-economic area.

The council voted 7 to 0 for the petition. The Council thus implemented direct democracy, in line with the Law on Local Self-government and the Constitution. The majority of the current population of Armenia exercised their right to direct democracy and submitted a petition to the government and Jermuk community council and mayor with 3000 signatures demanding a ban on metal mining in Jermuk.

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The former government had approved the program of gold mining by Lydian Armenia, despite protests and warnings of environmentalists about the environmental hazards for the nearby villages and towns, including the mineral sources of Jermuk. The new government has suspended the project and has initiated additional examinations.