Risks for new confrontation in Karabakh small in short-term period: Artsakh president’s adviser

Aysor, Armenia
Dec 26 2018

The issue of the CSTO secretary general contains different political shades, adviser to Artsakh president Tigran Abrahamyan said in an interview to Aysor.am.

 He said it will be better for Armenia to assume the post and hold it until 2020.

“I would not like to make predictions, especially ahead of the meeting of Armenian and Russian leaders who more probably will refer to the issue during the meeting,” he said.

As to Azerbaijan’s continuous activities aimed at improving their positions on the border, Abrahamyan said he does not have such information and no activities have been registered recently.

Speaking about the situation on the frontline during these days, the adviser said the situation is the same as during the past few weeks and the same about Azerbaijan’s moves.

As to possible new confrontation in 2019, Abrahamyan said it is difficult to predict such developments but the risks in middle term and long term period are not small.

“A lot depends on the upcoming meeting over NK issue. If I am not mistaken meeting of Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers is set for January 2019 which, according to logic, is to follow with the meeting of heads of countries. I think we will have such meeting in late January or early February,” he said.

As to creation of Armenian-Azerbaijani reconciliation platforms, the advisor stressed that in different stages of the process imitation or attempts of creation of such platforms have always been made but proved their inefficiency. “They are more of propaganda nature and target Armenia and Artsakh in media domain,” he said, stressing that he is not optimistic over them, at least in this stage of conflict settlement process.