Categories: 2018

Expert: Armenia acting PM not going to weaken his power

News.am, Armenia
Dec 29 2018
Expert: Armenia acting PM not going to weaken his power Expert: Armenia acting PM not going to weaken his power
14:51, 29.12.2018

YEREVAN. – Armenian Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is not going to weaken his power, Armen Badalyan, a political consultant, told Armenian News- NEWS.am.

According to him, being an opposition leader, hecriticized the institution of super-premiership, but today he is not taking steps that would weaken him.

The expert referred to the results of the so-called optimization, as Nikol Pashinyan did not want the Police to become the part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since it would also be accountable to the National Assembly and will weaken the system of super-premiership. 

“The project presented by the Government cannot be called an optimization project. Optimization implies a conceptual approach to solving the problem. While there is neither a conceptual approach, nor logic in the presented project. The government conducts a mechanical reduction and unification of the ministries,” Badalyan said.

Asked to comment on the consequences of closing the Diaspora Ministry, the expert noted that such a decision would actually lead to the loss of a very important resource. 

“The Armenian diaspora, which in quantitative terms is larger than the population living in Armenia, is a quality resource. With proper use of it, the serious development of the state could be ensured,” the expert said.

According to Armen Badalyan, it will be necessary to reconsider the decision of new ministries.

“Many specialists will emigrate, and there will be a problem with personnel training. Training new staff will require financial resources and time,” the expert concluded.

Garik Boshkezenian: