President Sarkissian’s New Year message

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 31 2018
President Sarkissian's New Year message

2018-12-31 21:03:06

President Armen Sarkissian sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of New Year and Holy Christmas holidays.

“Dear Citizens of the Republic of Armenia,

Dear Compatriots all over the world,

Year 2018 has been a year of great changes, challenges, expectations, and anticipations. 

We have witnessed the best qualities of our nation – unity, togetherness, high moral and civic spirit. 

Very soon, we will have a new parliament and a new government. 

Their success will depend greatly on the citizens of Armenia. Their success will be conditioned by the support of the citizens, as well as by your active participation in the social, political, economic, and cultural life.

Armenia can truly become one of the brightest spots on earth in the areas of innovative ideas, culture, science, economy, and others.

However, the path will not be easy.

There will be difficulties, often conditioned by the factors beyond our control, including the geopolitical realities. 

I wish you all alertness, composure, reasonable thinking, responsibility, and tolerance. 
These are the keys for success. 

Security and sovereignty of Armenia and Artsakh, just and fair resolution of the Artsakh problem will continue to occupy the pivotal place in our lives. 

We are living with a deep understanding that regardless of the place we were born, we all have one Homeland. 

The Homeland should be made prosperous through our joint efforts – through the united efforts of Armenia, Artsakh, and Spyurk.

We need to take care of the pillars of our national identity – our culture, education, spiritual, and familial values. 

The role of our Holy Church in this is critical. 

We need to be more considerate towards our historical and national heritage, our nature, rural areas, towns and cities, our country in general. 

Fellow citizens,

At this moment, I am with all of you in spirit and my mind, I am standing by you, by the troops and officers on the border, by the ambulances and doctors on call in hospitals, policemen carrying out their duties, firemen, bakers, taxi drivers, villagers and workers, scientists, and artists, all of you. 

I am especially concerned with the families which hardly make ends meet. With those who have no housing yet, those who live in border areas, I am concerned with wounded and sick. I wish you all relief and respite. 

Let the new year open doors of success for all of you. 

Let every citizen of Armenia feel the positive spirit of changes. 

We all ought to be guided by this motto: “If others can, we can too, if no one succeeded yet, we will be the first.” 

I wish our Fatherland peace, our families – health, success, prosperity, and happiness, to children I wish laughter and vigor, to eldertly – dignified rest. 

Let in the new year all of you, your families and friends, every citizen of Armenia, every Armenian anywhere in the world be able to dream and see it come true.
Happy New Year!”