Armenia entered the list of 10 most "vicious" countries of the world according to Bloomberg

Arminfo, Armenia
Jan 8 2019
Emmanuil Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Agency Bloomberg has published a ranking of countries according to the degree of depravity of their inhabitants. Citizens' propensity for an "immoral lifestyle"  was determined on the basis of a combination of data on the amount of  alcohol consumed, cigarettes, drugs, and on gambling losses from GDP.  Zambia turned out to be the most innocent country in the world, but  Armenia, entering the top ten of the most "vicious", settled in the  "honorable" fourth place in the ranking.

As the site quotes Bloomberg, Armenia is on this list  mainly because of the gambling of its inhabitants. In terms of losses  from gambling as a percentage of GDP, the country is in second place  and second only to the Philippines. The third place was taken by  Australia, as the Australians are the most indifferent to ecstasy in  the world. Also Australia is the 3rd in the world in terms of  gambling losses and amphetamine use.

Slovenia ranked second. As the authors of the report write, Slovenia  seems to be on this list quite by accident. This country does not  lead (and is not even among the top three) in any of the indicators.   Apparently, the people of Slovenia adhere to the principle of "a  little bit of everything", thanks to which they are in second place  in the most vicious countries of the world.

The Czech Republic was the most "vicious" country of the world.  Moreover, the population's love was not so much about beer and  absinthe (Czech Republic is only 4th in alcohol consumption), but  also on drugs – here the Czechs were in second place after  successfully escaping the top ten of the United States. Oddly enough,  it is the Czech Republic that occupies the first place in the world  in cannabis consumption. At the same time, the Netherlands did not  even enter the top ten in terms of this indicator.

To note, after Armenia, Bulgaria is in fifth place. It was the most  smoking country in the world. This is an average of 2,822 cigarettes  per year per adult inhabitant of the country. Spain ranked sixth.  This beautiful country, known to the whole world for its wine, is  denigrated by the residents' addiction not to it at all, but to  cocaine – here the Spaniards have the highest indicator. The authors  suspect that Ibiza Island, famous for its nightclubs, plays a  significant role in this story. Remarkably, Colombia, known as one of  the main producers and suppliers of cocaine in the world, according  to Bloomberg, practically does not consume it.

Residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina – the country located on the  seventh place – consume the least alcohol from all the countries on  this list. And least of all in the world, according to Bloomberg,  they drink in Lebanon. The place in this list of Bosnia and  Herzegovina has mainly provided residents with addiction to smoking  and gambling.

The opinion that Russia, in the eyes of Bloomberg analysts, has been  tarnished by the addiction to vodka does not correspond to reality.  Russia, which is on the 8th place in the ranking, occupies only a  modest 6th place in the world in alcohol consumption, the 3rd in  cigarette consumption and the 2nd after the United States in opioid  use. But in Russia, according to Bloomberg, now there are almost no  losses from gambling – here, along with El Salvador and Guatemala, is  the lowest in the world.

Belarus, which took the 9th place, should be <grateful> to be  included in the top 10 most "vicious" countries of the world to its  deeply drunk citizens. It turns out that Belarusians drink a lot -  according to Bloomberg – the most in the world! In the top three for  this indicator, they were residents of Ukraine and Estonia.

Greece, closing the rating of "viciousness" was the second in the  world in the number of cigarettes consumed. In the other vicious  categories, its indicators are not too remarkable.

To note, the new authorities of Armenia intend to put an end to the  vicious effects of gambling on the people of the country and on its  economy. Almost half of the country's GDP growth is in the service  sector, where gambling reigns. The new head of government, Nikol  Pashinyan, noted a steadfast intention to put an end to this vicious  phenomenon.