Categories: 2019

Ara Saghatelyan: We leave large quantities of property for the next NA Staff (video)

“We leave large quantities of property, which can be used by the next staff, “said Ara Saghatelyan, Chief of Staff of the National Assembly, told the reporters.

“When I became the head of the staff, we had obligations for electrical power, and I had to bring dozens of used computers here from the president’s office and the Central Bank,” he said.

“In 2018, the National Assembly saved 404 million drams and stored a considerable quantity of goods and technical means,” says Ara Saghatelyan, adding that this is the result of proper and regulated work.

“I 2017, the economic mechanisms that we had introduced enabled us to effectively use the funds in 2018. For current repairs, there is a need for funding because the NA building has very serious problems related to the maintenance of the building.”

Markos Nalchajian: