Asbarez: ANCA Burbank Meets with Burbank Mayor

ANCA Burbank members with Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy

BURBANK—On January 10, two members of the ANCA Burbank Executive Board Silva Kechichian and Annette Kargodorian, and ACF representative Antranik Jarchafjian met with Burbank City Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy.

We were pleased to learn from Ms Luddy that the funding for the city of Burbank will not have any reduction for the coming year and the government shut down hasn’t had much of an effect yet on HUD or CDBG subsidies.

We discussed Burbank’s friendship city with Hadrut, Artsakh, and we asked that the city update its web page to indicate friendship city relation between Hadrut and Burbank. We also discussed getting the city’s assistance in encouraging large businesses in Burbank to help us meet the needs of Hadrut’s children through monetary donations or school supplies.

The City Council will present the Genocide Recognition Proclamation on April 16, 2019 followed by a vigil on the steps of City Hall.

We requested statistics about Armenians in the city work force. There has been an increase of Armenians in number and rank in the Burbank police department. We would like to increase involvement in all areas of the city. There are approximately 10 commissions or boards that occasionally need qualified volunteers. The ANCA Burbank will encourage Armenian Burbank residents to serve on these commissions. Open positions are posted on the city website.

The mayor mentioned that the population of Burbank is about 105,000 with 150,000 jobs. So opportunities are ample.

She requested that the ANCA Burbank look into possibly including the Boys and Girls Clubs in the Youth Center activities and also to provide a list of books for the libraries dealing with Armenian topics, culture, history in English and Armenian as well as Armenian newspapers.

We informed the mayor that the ANCA has and will continue to have joint presentations with the Burbank Unified School District, particularly dealing their Wellness Program. We also mentioned that the Youth Center has had a basketball D League which includes children of all nationalities. The Center has served as a shelter during fires, as a voting precinct for the community, and as a partner with BTAC in providing food baskets for the needy families in Burbank. Ms. Kechichian, ANCA Burbank Chair said, “Although our focus is primarily to promote Armenians and Armenian issues, we encourage and assist all Burbank residents in any way can. We want greater civic participation in this great city.”

“Armenians have always been a creative and contributing community in Burbank, and it’s very important to recognize the Genocide and the peoples’ resilience,” noted Mayor Gabel-Luddy.

The Armenian National Committee of America—Burbank advances the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the area’s Armenian community and promotes its increased civic participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.