Categories: 2019

Isn’t it funny to pay for the hamster? – demonstrator (video)

Members of the Armenian Cynological Union held a demonstration in front of Yerevan Municipality against the decision to pay 5,000 AMD annually for keeping domestic animals. President of the Union Stepan Zakaryan mentioned that the law is incomplete, and it is not even defined what is a pet and what is not.

The demonstrators mentioned that even there are no elementary conditions for taking care of the animals. Deputy President of the Union Liana Gharibyan could not understand why she should pay the same 5,000 AMD for all domestic animals.

“Isn’t it funny to pay for the hamster? Let’s be more concerned about building parks for animals.”

Gevorgyan Hovhannes, who has three dogs, said he was ready to pay a tribute, but if they create conditions and say for what they should pay that tribute for.

Press Secretary of Yerevan Mayor Hakob Karapetyan stressed that there was a law on tribute in previous years. According to him, in 2011, the fee has been set from 0 to 5,000 drams, and in 2016,  5000 drams was set up by editing.

According to Karapetyan, the fee for tribute is not put into forced currently.

Ani Kharatian: