Categories: 2019

2,500 Russian troops stage snap drills in Armenia

Big News Network
Jan 22 2019

PanARMENIAN.Net – More than 2,500 Russian troops have taken part in snap drills in Armenia that involved aviation and missile defense systems, the press service of the Southern Military District said on Tuesday, January 25.

'Over 2,500 servicemen at a Russian base in Armenia completed tasks after receiving an alarm signal and preparing the equipment for emergency withdrawal from the places of permanent deployment,' the press service said, adding that more than 500 units of equipment were used in the drills.

The servicemen will be deployed to unfamiliar locations where they will receive training tasks.

The Southern Military District noted that most stages of the drills will use fighter jets and army aviation, as well as S-300V and Buk-M1-2 missile defense systems.

Karapet Navasardian: