Categories: 2019

Blogger Lapshin: Karabakh conflict is more necessary for Aliyev`s authorities than for the people of Azerbaijan

Arminfo, Armenia
Jan 22 2019
Ani Mshetsyan

ArmInfo. Apparently, the history of Azerbaijan is not too rich, and 3 factors have found significant place in it – the Karabakh conflict, the Azerbaijani Laundromat and  Alexander Lapshin. The blogger Alexander Lapshin said this in an  interview with ArmInfo correspondent.

He noted that today the solution of the Karabakh problem itself is  not so important for Baku as the frozen conflict itself, in order to  constantly focus public attention on the presence of an external  enemy. "Of course, Armenia's external enemy is. And my arrest was  also artificially inflated in order to create an image of the enemy  for the people of Azerbaijan. Thus, the Azerbaijani authorities  divert the attention of citizens from existing problems, switching  them to the so-called enemies," the blogger noted.

Lapshin also said that today protests are held in Azerbaijan  demanding the release of blogger Mehman Huseynov, which once again  demonstrates the dissatisfaction of Azerbaijani citizens with Aliyev  and his policies. "I think such protest actions will sooner or later  lead to a change of power, this moment is already brewing, but it's  hard to say exactly when it will happen. The residents of Azerbaijan  see that the change of power has occurred in Armenia and they want to  repeat this scenario in their homeland. After all, in fact, the  country receives huge funds from the sale of oil, meanwhile, people  live very poorly, much worse than in Armenia, "Lapshin stressed.

The blogger noted that the change of power in Azerbaijan is  beneficial to the people, but it is unlikely to be in the hands of  Armenia. "Today, Aliyev does not pose a threat to Armenia, he is  predictable and not dangerous, besides, he is satisfied with Russia.  And it's hard to say what the situation will be if a new government  comes in, a number of opposition representatives are very determined,  including in the Karabakh issue. There are two options – either to  intensify the negotiation process, or to start a war. It is very  difficult to say which scenario they prefer, "the blogger said.

To the question of ArmInfo correspondent, how much the people of  Azerbaijan are interested in the Karabakh issue, Lapshin answered:  "The Azerbaijani people as a whole want to live in a free country,  live better. They know perfectly well what is happening in their  country – they live in the country, they fear for themselves, they  are much more concerned about their children and all these problems  than the resolution of the Karabakh conflict and it is needed not so  much by the people as by the authority of Aliyev. Today, two Aliyev  and Pashayev clans have usurped power in the country, but there are  other clans want to take power into their own hands, " said Lapshin. 

David Nargizian: