Russian expert: Pashinyan`s opponents may create uncompromising attitudes in Armenian society regarding a consensus resolution of the Karabakh conflict

Arminfo, Armenia
Jan 22 2019
Tatevik Shahunyan

ArmInfo. Antagonism is growing in the societies of Armenia, Artsakh and Azerbaijan regarding the relativity of the possibility of a compromise solution to the  Karabakh issue. Alexander Krylov, President of the Scientific Society  of Caucasus Caused Studies, Chief Researcher of the IMEMO RAN  expressed this opinion, during the Yerevan-Moscow TV bridge.

According to him, this trend is particularly obvious in Armenian  society. "Perhaps this is due to recent political processes in  Armenia – opponents of Prime Minister Pashinyan and the new  authorities are trying to create uncompromising attitudes in the  society in order to put the country's leadership in a difficult  position in the negotiations. Under such conditions no one in Armenia  or in Azerbaijan will not compromise against the will of the people;  it will become a political suicide ", the expert explained.

Taking into account the prevailing circumstances, according to him,  it is not excluded the resumption of hostilities or the establishment  of an international dictate in the conflict zone. "Both options,  obviously, do not proceed from the interests of the parties," he  concluded.