Calendar of Events – 01/24/2019

                        GROONG's Calendar of events
                        (All times local to events)

What:           The Zeytun Gospels "Missing Pages: The Modern Life of a
                Medieval Manuscript from Genocide to Justice"
                a lecture is given by Prof. Heghnar Zeitlian
When:           Feb 24 2019 1pm
                Following Church Divine Liturgy which starts at 10:30am
Where:          Armenian Apostolic Church of Crescenta Valley
                Western Prelacy's Hall, 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta, CA
Misc:           In 2010, the world's wealthiest art institution, the J. Paul
                Getty Museum, found itself confronted by a century-old
                genocide. The Armenian Church was suing for the return of
                eight pages from the Zeytun Gospels, a manuscript illuminated
                by the greatest medieval Armenian artist, Toros Roslin.
                The Missing Pages is the biography of a manuscript that is at
                once art, sacred object, and cultural heritage. Its tale
                mirrors the story of its scattered community as Armenians have
                struggled to redefine themselves after genocide and in the
                absence of a homeland. Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh follows in
                the manuscript's footsteps through seven centuries, from
                medieval Armenia to the killing fields of 1915 Anatolia, the
                refugee camps of Aleppo, Ellis Island, and Soviet Armenia, and
                ultimately to a Los Angeles courtroom.
                Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh is Professor of Art History at the
                University of California, Davis. She is the award-winning
                author of The Image of an Ottoman City: Architecture in Aleppo
                (2004). Her writing has also appeared in the Huffington Post
                and the Los Angeles Times. As a board member of the US
                nonprofit Project 2015, she helped organize the historic
                Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemorations in Istanbul where
                she also delivered a speech in Armenian and Turkish
                The event is free to the public.
Online Contact: [email protected]
Tel:            818-244-9639


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