Armenian politician dies after 52-day prison hunger strike

Associated Press International / Washington Post
Saturday 4:31 PM GMT
Armenian politician dies after 52-day prison hunger strike
YEREVAN, Armenia
YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) – A leader of a small political party in Armenia has died in prison after going on a hunger strike nearly two months ago.
The Armenian prison service said 51-year-old Mher Yegiazarian died early Saturday, 52 days after he started his hunger strike.
Yegiazarian was vice president of a political party formed last summer, the Armenian Eagles: United Armenia.
He was arrested Dec. 4 and charged with extorting sums of up to $10,000 that authorities alleged were used as bribes for obtaining employment or other services.
Yegiazarian denied the charges.
He went on the hunger strike the day after his arrest.