Categories: 2019

Azerbaijani Press: Why EU Parliament indifferent to death of Armenian journalist?

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
Jan 29 2019

By  Trend

Silence of the European Parliament and other international organizations on the death of Mher Yeghiazaryan, an Armenian journalist and politician, is an example of double standards, Bakhtiyar Sadikhov, Azerbaijani MP, told Trend.

Being the head of an online media outlet and deputy chairman of the “Armenian Eagles: United Armenia” party, Mher Yeghiazaryan was considered both a journalist and a politician. While in the “Nubarashen” correctional facility in Yerevan, he went on a hunger strike.

“The European Parliament has so far not made any statement on Armenia, about why this journalist was detained. Until now, the European Parliament has never made a statement as to why the leader of an opposition political party was arrested,” added Sadikhov.

According to him, the only reason for this silence and indifference emanating from the European Parliament is double standards.

The deputy noted that in the case of Mehman Huseynov, who was detained by a court decision, did not go on a hunger strike and did not experience any problems with the conditions of detention, the European Parliament was, for some reason, very concerned, and made biased statements about Azerbaijan.

"Look at the conditions which they held the journalist in, the leading face of a political party in Armenia. Despite him going on a hunger strike, no one attached any importance to this, and intentionally created conditions for him to die in prison. Why does the European Parliament keep quiet? This shows that double standards still prevail in international organizations," Sadikhov added.

The MP believes that it is necessary to condemn this action of the European Parliament, to forward an appeal in light of this.

"I even think that it is necessary to hold discussions on this issue during the plenary session of the Milli Majlis on February 1, and to send a letter to the European Parliament about when they will stop applying double standards," Sadikhov said.

Zhanna Nahapetian: