Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post: A remarkable admission about an Azerbaijani blogger

The Washington Post
February 1, 2019 Friday
A remarkable admission about an Azerbaijani blogger
Letters to the Editor
Regarding Vugar Gurbanov's Jan. 26 letter "The real discontent is in Armenia":
How remarkable. A counselor for the Embassy of Azerbaijan criticized the lack of attention to the democratic change in Armenia while noting that Azerbaijan has dropped all new charges against Azerbaijani blogger Mehman Huseynov – bogus charges that had led to hunger strikes against continued violations of his (and others') human rights.
Richard D. Kauzlarich , Falls Church
The writer, a distinguished visiting professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, was U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan from 1994 to 1997 andBosnia from 1997 to 1999.