PM Pashinyan holds behind-doors consultation with Cabinet members, “My step” faction and governors

PM Pashinyan holds behind-doors consultation with Cabinet members, “My step” faction and governors



16:03, 2 February, 2019

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 2, ARMENPRESS. A behind-doors consultation took place at the National Assembly of Armenia with the participation of PM Nikol Pashinyan, Cabinet members, “My step” faction and governors, ARMENPRESS reports member of “My step” parliamentary faction Nikolay Baghdasaryan told the reporters.

“The format of the meeting was closed and no MP can give information”, Baghdasaryan said.

Another MP Shirak Torosyan noted that during the consultation all the issues that are of the concern of the government, parliament and the public were discussed and the discussions were constructive.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan