Armenian Church commemorates St. Sophia and her three daughters

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 7 2019

The Armenian Apostolic Church commemorates today Saint Sophia and her daughters – Pistis, Elpis and Agape.

These names have Christian origin and in Greek they correspondingly mean wisdom, faith, hope and love, reported.

Sophia was born in a noble family and lived nearby the city Rome. After the death of her husband she devoted herself to God. Being a pious Christian, she educated her daughters Pistis, Elpis and Agape in Christian spirit. Christian values and ideas were the principles of their life.

A heathen young man fell in love with one of the daughters of Sophia and wished to marry her. However, Sophia rejected the young man saying: “We are Christians and virginity is dearer to us than gold and pearl.” Getting angry the young man complained to the King Adrianos. The king called the three young ladies and demanded to offer sacrifice to the idols. Being since childhood educated according to the Christian commandments the sisters opposed to the king and remained unshaken in their faith. Then the king got angry and ordered to behead them.

Sophia buried the bodies of her daughters and prayed God asking to take her soul as soon as possible, so that she would join her beloved daughters. God listened to Sophia’s prayers and Sophia passed away.